Leo Zodiac Crystal Recommendations
Leo astrology is symbolized by the lion.
Leo Dates are July 22 – August 22
Leo Season is about being bold, courageous, and authentic. Remember who you are and be proud. Feel the passion, get excited, be silly!
It is a lion! Lions are ferocious, a natural leader. Be a leader. Leo Season is a great time to do you. Be the star, the center of attention. Have fun and live life to the fullest.
Leo Season is a great time to make things about you...finally! Cancer Season can definitely have you thinking of others and putting their needs first.
Now is the time to reconnect with yourself.
What lights you up? What fulfills you? What is it that your beautiful little heart desires.
Really think about it.
Take the energy of Leo Season and run with it! This is your permission to make everything about you. Stand out, be EXTRA, wear yellow, be bold. Everything about Leo season screams being your authentic self. Leo is ruled by the Sun, go ahead and shine like the Sun too.
Leo Season is about your creativity and expression. Be creative, ambitious, bold, expressive. Get connected with yourself, your heart so that you can shine this Leo season too.
Here are our crystal recommendations that can help us to step into our power, get motivated, be confident, and manifest our goals.

Ruby - (I especially love ruby record keepers!) Helps with energy and passion for life but not in a bad/destructive way. It helps you to get motivated and helps you to get crystal clear on what you want. Ruby helps to transmute negative energy and helps with leadership.
Fire Agate - The energy is very supportive and grounding. It is a great stone to ignite the passion inside you. It is a great crystal for manifesting your goals with. When you think about fire agate, think about that inner flame inside you!
Tigers Eye- An excellent grounding and protective crystal! It helps to bring out integrity and accomplish goals. It reminds you that everything you need is inside you. It is a great crystal for self-worth, creativity, and is very energizing.
Chrysocolla - Helps with confidence and personal power. It can help you with creativity and overcoming fear. It can help with motivation and communication.
Orange Calcite - It is super energizing and bright. It helps to balance emotions and cleanses energy. It is a great crystal for motivation, getting things done, and keeping the mind calm and sharp.
Enjoy your crystal recommendations for Leo Season!