Who is Clari V?
My name is Clarissa - please call me Clari!
I am a California Grown Crystal Queen. Born & raised in Northern California, I moved to Southern California when I was 18 years old. My journey and healing is on going.
Crystals found me in 2014. I had graduated from college a few years before that, had done everything we are "supposed" to do to be happy.
I followed the road map that has been set forth by others (go to school, study hard, graduate, get a job, work). But it didn't feel right.
Spirituality and crystals changed the rules for me.
We are not all supposed to go through the same motions because we are all not the same.
We are all unique, with unique gifts, with unique purposes, this is all meant to be explored.
I started Clari V Crystals in 2017.
My mission is to help others remember who they are, remember what a powerful badass that they are, and that they have everything they need inside them.
I am a Self Love Warrior. I am here to help remind others of their infinite power by tapping into themselves, their highest self, and living in their truth.
I use crystals, spirituality, and holistic health to live in alignment with my highest self.
I am here because I decided to choose myself. I am here to help you choose yourself too.
You can have it all despite what others have told you or you have previously thought.
You can create the life you want. But you must take action.
Take action on your dreams, you are worth it!
Together we are raising vibes, one crystal at a time!
Things I love include:
Crystals, of course! Gardening especially Growing Huge Sunflowers The Forest & Camping Reading Creating Spending Time with Loved Ones Making New Connections My long haired Dachshund, Oliver
My Favorite Crystals include (but are not limited to):
Moonstone, Selenite, Labradorite, Carnelian, Blue Lace Agate, Malachite, Rose Quartz, & many many more!
If you are reading this, just know, that you are exactly where you need to be.
It's not too late to start or start over. You're right on time.