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Soy Wax Candle Benefits & Soy Wax Cons

The use of candles has been present in our lives for years. Candles were used as the primary source of light at night in homes and now are used for decoration and vibes in homes. A few things have changed since then. Now there are multiple types of candle wax that can be used to create candles. These types of wax vary from paraffin wax, paraffin blends, beeswax, soy wax, and more!

What is Soy Wax?

Soy wax is created from soybean oil. It is a type of vegetable wax. Once the soybeans are grown and harvested, they are then cleaned and dehulled, and turned into tiny flecks. These flecks contain oil. The oil is extracted from the flecks and then hydrogenated, which means it is turned from a liquid oil to a more solid material.


Benefits of Soy Wax

  • Soy wax is created from is created from soybeans! By purchasing soy candles, we support the farmers that grow the soybeans. 
  • Soy candles are non-toxic. 
  • Soy wax is natural.  
  • Soy wax burns clean. 
  • Soy wax is a natural resource unlike paraffin wax. It is biodegradable and a renewable resource. Soy wax is biodegradable and is easy to clean up. All you need is water and soap. I love to use Dr. Bronner’s to clean with.
  • Soy wax has a low melting point. This allows soy candles to burn for a longer period of time and slower. 
  • Soy candles are vegan! Many other types of candles use animal by-products like beeswax or tallow which comes from animal fat. Soy candles are not created with animal products. No animals are harmed to create soy candles.

Soy Wax vs Paraffin Wax

Soy wax is created from soybeans, which is a natural ingredient. Paraffin wax which is popularly used is not. It comes from petroleum. It is an after product of gasoline! 

Soy candles burn without creating soot. Paraffin wax on the other hand creates soot while burning. This can cause dark stains on your walls, furniture, linen/fabric, and allergic reactions. Soot is full of allergens which can cause the eyes to water and feel irritated. Soot from paraffin wax can lead to respiratory problems! Paraffin wax contains carcinogens - carcinogens cause cancer!

Paraffin wax has a higher melting point causing candles to burn quickly There is less risk of burning yourself with soy wax since it has a lower melting point. Hot paraffin wax can cause skin burns.

Soy Wax vs Beeswax

Beeswax is a natural alternative to paraffin wax or paraffin blend wax. It is used as an alternative to soy wax. Beeswax can be pretty expensive. Soybeans are a lot easier to source and are less expensive. Beeswax is not considered vegan since it is an animal product.

Beeswax does have a higher melting point than soy wax so factors like hot temperatures or humidity do not affect beeswax. Beeswax is non-carcinogenic and is not hazardous to humans. When using beeswax or beeswax products, be aware if they state they are using 100% pure beeswax. Often times beeswax is combined with other waxes to help reduce costs. It is all about the fine print!



Soy Wax vs Palm Wax 

Palm wax is created from palm plants. Palm wax is clean burning and burns without soot. It does not contain toxins or carcinogens. It is slow burning and is a renewable resource. It is not genetically modified. However, it must be imported. It is grown predominantly in Malaysia. Pesticides are used on the palm plants to protect the crops from bugs. Animals are misplaced during the harvesting of palm trees. This is the natural habitat for many animals. Many animals lose their homes during the falling of the palm trees.

What are the Cons of Soy Wax?

Soy wax is different to work with than paraffin wax. It is usually recommended that beginner candle makers use paraffin wax or paraffin blends to create their candles. This is because paraffin wax is easier to use. There is less risk of mistake with paraffin wax. The consistency of soy wax depends on the temperature. It can be a bit temperamental when it is too hot or humid. This is due to its lower melting point. Cold or cooler temperatures may also cause shrinkage in soy wax. 

Soy wax can be temperamental with some types of fragrance oils. Usually the rule of thumb is 10% fragrance oil to your wax. Sometimes this needs to be adjusted depending on the fragrance oil being used.This is why it is so important to test your fragrance oils and see if there are recommendations for the particular fragrance oil being used. Soy wax can create frost marks on the candle. This occurs around the glass that holds the candle itself.

There are limited types of soy candles that can be created since soy wax is so soft compared to other types of wax. Soy wax cannot be used to make tapers or pillar candles. It is best if they are poured into vessels or containers. Soy wax does not melt as pretty as paraffin or other types of wax candles. There are often bumps that occur when it melts and rehardens, this is normal.

There are some that state that since soy wax is made from soybeans, in particular soy bean oil, that the crops could be genetically modified. Some growing methods could include using pesticides to produce and harvest large crops of soybeans. 


Why I Use Soy Wax for My Soy Candles


I did a lot of research on candle wax when I started my candle making adventure. During my learning and trial period (before I started selling), I utilized paraffin blend wax. However, I knew that paraffin blend wax was not the type of wax I wanted to use due to its harmful ingredients and effects on the human body. It was a great learning opportunity to practice pouring and creating candles. I do recommend for those who are beginning their candle making journey, to purchase a kit where they can practice their candle making skills.

Upon research, I landed on soy wax. I liked the fact that they are vegan, with no animals being harmed or displaced to produce the wax. The company I purchase my wax from creates all natural soy that is grown and made in the USA. It is premium soy candle wax flakes. This particular type of wax is formulated to reduce frosting and glass adhesion issues. 

Another reason why I chose soy wax is because it is non-toxic and non-carcinogenic. We all deserve to have beautiful candle decor in our homes that is not risking the health of our loved ones. 

If you would like to check out the various crystal infused candles that I create as well as beautiful crystals, follow this link