Rose Quartz Crystal: Rose Quartz Properties
May the quartz be with you! Are you ready to explore the juicy, pink goodness that is rose quartz crystal? We will explore the properties of rose quartz stones, as well as their healing benefits. Do you have any rose quartz crystals in your collection? Maybe its time to add these pink cuties into your crystal collection and rotation!
All About Rose Quartz Benefits & Rose Quartz Properties!
Perhaps you are familiar with this pink, lovely crystal! Rose quartz is a very popular crystal for many reasons. Rose Quartz has a very feminine, loving energy to it. It is a crystal for unconditional love. Love comes in many forms, love for others as well as self love. Rose Quartz is a member of the quartz family and is a 7 on the MOHs hardness scale.
The Mohs Hardness scale helps to identify minerals.
How Rose Quartz Crystal Gets Its Name
You may have guessed it already! Rose Quartz gets its name from its beautiful coloration. Rose Quartz is notoriously a rose colored pink. It may range from a light pink (practically white) to a medium pink (blush colored and even darker!).
Does Rose Quartz look cloudy to you? This crystal has microscopic mineral inclusions which make it look cloudy, almost translucent.
Rose Quartz & Ancient Civilizations
Rose Quartz crystal has always been a symbol of love. It was called the Heart Stone and was used as a talisman by ancient civilizations including Ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece.
Rose quartz beads have been found dating back to 7000 BC, in what is now Iraq (Mesopotamia). Assyrians and Romans loved to use Rose Quartz crystals in their jewelry. Their crafting dates back to about 800-600 BC. Rose Quartz was thought to benefit relationships and was thought of as a stone of beauty. Ancient Egyptian civilizations used rose quartz as a type of face mask! They believed Rose Quartz prevented aging.
What are Rose Quartz Healing Properties?
Rose Quartz is a crystal for unconditional love and infinite peace. Many use rose quartz to call in love for others and for oneself. It is used for calling in love and keeping love.
Rose Quartz stone helps with compassion and appreciation. It is seen as a stone of unconditional love, nurturing, and is great for those who have trauma. Rose Quartz crystal has very comforting and healing energy. It helps in times of sadness, bringing comfort and inner peace. It helps to be able to give love and to be open to receive love. Rose quartz crystal can be helpful to new mothers.
Where to Place Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz stone is an incredible crystal to have in your home. Place it anywhere that you will see it daily. A great place to keep rose quartz is in the bathroom, by the mirror. Or place your rose quartz crystal in your meditation space or alter. Use rose quartz during your mantras or affirmations.
Place Rose Quartz in your bedroom or a child’s bedroom to aid with peaceful sleep.

How Can Rose Quartz Help
Rose Quartz can help with any blockages you have with love. It allows you to be open to love and to give love in return. Rose Quartz stone has very comforting and nurturing energy. Think of Rose Quartz as a Mother, full of infinite love for you. Rose Quartz benefits sleep by placing it in the bedroom. Love comes in many forms, including self love. Rose Quartz helps to realize one’s worth.
Rose Quartz benefits families. It is a wonderful stone to have in your home or communal spaces in your home. Rose quartz crystal is helpful during pregnancy. Many women have Rose Quartz crystals in their delivery rooms to help them during childbirth.
Just as Rose Quartz helps when life begins, it is also helpful when life ends. Many feel that Rose Quartz is beneficial to have around when a loved one is about to pass. The gentle energy of the crystal helps those who are grieving the loss of their loved one as well as allows the person to pass surrounded by unconditional love and peace.
Rose Quartz Crystal & the Chakras
Rose Quartz is linked to the heart chakra. Since it is known as the Heart Stone, it only makes sense that this crystal is linked to the heart chakra. Rose quartz is a heart opener. It allows us to be open to love and to be able to give love.
Rose Quartz is love.
How to Use Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is very useful in meditation practices. It helps the user to tune into themselves and the frequency of love and compassion. It is an extremely powerful crystal for women. Rose Quartz has very feminine energy and is a stone of Mother Earth. Rose Quartz is very useful for new mothers or mothers to be. It is useful to have this crystal with you during birth and the days after.
What You Need to Know About Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is linked to a few Goddesses. One of these would be to the Goddess, Aphrodite. She is the Greek Goddess of Love & Beauty. Rose Quartz is linked to Astarte, a Phoenician Goddess. She is the Goddess of Love, War, & Fertility.
Rose Quartz does not fade in the sun so it can be charged in the sun without issue.

Rose Quartz Affirmation: I love how open I am to give and receive love with ease.
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